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Lalba Separa Dalla Luce Lombra: A Beautiful Canzone by Tosti in PDF Format

First the lyrics and their translation:L'ALBA SEPARA DALLA LUCE L'OMBRAL'alba separa dalla luce l'ombra,E la mia volutta' dal mio desire.O dolce stelle, l'ora di morire.Un piu' divino amor dal ciel vi sgombra.Pupille ardenti, O voi senza ritornoStelle tristi, spegnetevi incorrotte!Morir debbo. Veder non voglio il giorno,Per amor del mio sogno e della notte.Chiudimi,O Notte, nel tuo sen materno,Mentre la terra pallida s'irrora.Ma che dal sangue mio nasca l'auroraE dal sogno mio breve il sole eterno!E dal sogno mio breve il sole eterno!THE DAWN DIVIDES THE DARKNESS FROM LIGHTThe dawn divides the darkness from light,And my sensual pleasure from my desire,O sweet stars, it is the hour of death.A love more holy clears you from the skies.Gleaming eyes, O you who'll ne'er return,sad stars, snuff out your uncorrupted light!I must die, I do not want to see the day,For love of my own dream and of the night.Envelop me,O Night, in your maternal breast,While the pale earth bathes itself in dew;But let the dawn rise from my bloodAnd from my brief dream the eternal sun!And from my brief dream the eternal sun!The lyrics are by the writer/poet/politician Gabriele D'Annunzio, whoalso wrote the words for Tosti's 'A Vucchella. D'Annunzio certainlyhad a well-developed sense of the dramatic (his extraordinary lifeseems to have been equal parts melodrama and adventure), and inTosti's magnificent setting he found a worthy musical collaborator.This song is certainly as taxing as many an aria to pull off,especially if one takes the tricky B-flat (on e-TER-no") at the end.Most Lanza aficionados I know feel that this is the one weak point onMario's recording; some of them regard the note as "terrible". Itactually doesn't bother me. While it's not one of Lanza best B-flats,it's the poor recording quality that makes it sound worse than it is.When Mario initially hits the note, everything distorts, but then (ifyou listen carefully) there's an improvement of sorts and the notebecomes cleaner, almost as if (or quite possibly because) the startledCinecitta' engineers have quickly adjusted their dials.But getting back to the rest of the song...The defining moment in Lanza's delivery, for me, is from "Chiudimi, ONotte" onwards. There's an extraordinary majesty in his singing here,aptly described by James Kilbourne in his essay Visiting a DyingFriend (the link for which is in our Pages section):"Some of the crescendos are haunting in their impact, even reminiscentof the other-wordly, nearly spiritual sound of the final note of hisearlier Passione."They most certainly are. But while I have plenty more to write aboutthis recording, at this point I'd rather hear what others have to say.So feel free to jump in and join the discussion, folks...

Lalba Separa Dalla Luce Lombra Pdf Download

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