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You Can Call Me Liar Video Song Free 13: The Best Of 1OR8FACTION

You must be a 7 Day Adventist. I dated a girl who was for a few years, and she had separated from her church but told me about their beliefs... from Saturday being the 'real' sabbath day and Catholics worshiping the pope, the Anti-Christ. I also heard that there were videos made by your church that put down other religious practices- including meditation.I have to say, your belief that the majority of people are going to Hell is very UN Christian.I cannot be part of such a narrow minded religion. You follow the God of Israel, a tiny fly speck land in the Middle East, and pretend that Jesus was a white man. Its simply ridiculous. If I believed in a God, it would be a universal God. Not the God of Israel, or the Earth, or the Milky Way... but of all the galaxies and suns and black holes and worlds. Compared to that, your God is PUNY. So, yea, then my God can easily beat up yours.Get a grip. The Universe / Multi-verse is Enormous. Your views on how everyone else should behave is utterly pointless. We will not behave as you dictate. Ever.The time of religion controlling Mankind was called the Dark Ages in Europe. It was vanquished by the Light of Reason in the Enlightenment. Men in Europe finally put away their ridiculous beliefs and crawled out of their cave into the light of true understanding of the Universe. You would like us to crawl back into the cave with you. NEVER! Crawl back in if you must, but do not ask the rest of us to do so.

You Can Call Me Liar Video Song Free 13

In December I placed an order for a Juan Valdez single cup coffee maker which came with 90 free coffee pods. I received the item which was defective. After placing a call to, I was told a replacement would be received within 3-5 business days. When looking at my online acct, it said the prdut would not ship until the end of February!

The next week I received the coffee maker, without any free coffee pods. I called Amazon once again, and after an hours conversation with several people, including another team leader, I basically forced them, against their will to send me a replacement (2nd day air) with the free coffee pods I deserved.

Earlier this week I received my shipment, once again minusthe free coffee pods. I call today and was told that there is nothing that could be done for me further, other mailing the item back for a complete refund. The problem is this product was obtained on sale, and if I received a full refund it would not allow me to purchase a similiar product for that price. Amazon insisted that their policy is that they will not replace a product more then 1-2 times, although NO WHERE is that written for the consumer to see, either before or after making a purchase with them.

Josh still refused to issue immediate credit and again practically called me a liar by saying that this couldn't possibly be the same book. He was so tactless and undiplomatic that both my wife and I became furious, she hanging up on him while I continued to attempt a fair and just settlement. Josh was adamant in his refusal to issue an immediate credit, so I informed him that I would be publicizing this matter via the Internet. I, too, hung up on him (at approximately 7:32 pm) before I became even more angry. To make certain that the book isn't shipped out again -- this time to an unsuspecting customer -- I marked the cover front and back with black marker: "defective"! The book will be returned as soon as the RA Label is received.


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